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home and design


Green Monday

Before we tucked into a healthy lunch including a giant octopus, yummy prawns and various dips and breads, Green Monday and the Carnival was a great excuse to paint our faces and play games. It was the kind of day ideal for flying a kite and finally taking pleasure in all the hard work that has gone into making this place a home. It’s been just over a week since we moved in and although living out of boxes and a fussy toddler who wants to play around an empty swimming pool can make for one big headache, having an awesome family right next door makes it a lot easier.

home and design

define style

It’s crunch time for me and my style. And when I say style I mean taste. For instance, I love colour. I am drawn to anything that is bold and crazy. But alot of the time I feel this confuses and clutters my thoughts especially when these colours are a permanent fixture and poorly mismatched. When we were designing our home in our heads and then on paper, I got goosebumps thinking about all the different kind of exciting things i could do. Pink rooms and blue bookshelves are the kind of things that have been cluttering my mind though and I had to put a stop to that. That’s why I so boldly changed my blog theme without even looking at a single colour- ok, so I checked out two! Simple and frugal is making a bit more sense to me right now. Applying this to the house has worked well. Things are moving along and we might just be all moved in time for Georgie’s second birthday.


in the kitchen—brownies, cookies, rosemary potatoes, lasagna and vegetable soup

      This week has been…well, mad! Finalising details to the house like door handles and lighting has proven too much for me. I have given up on the latter and pleaded with my electrician -who happens to be my sister’s lovely husband- to allow me room (excuse pun!)to breathe and opt for basic light bulbs wherever I cannot make up my mind. At the end of these mad days I pushed myself to spend more time in the kitchen. For some reason homemade food and sweets seemed to bring peace to me. So I baked some brownies…     …and chocolate chip cookies.    Eggs were a major hit this week with rosemary potatoes and oven baked tomatoes. A really great combo if you ask me especially when you discover a great way to prepare oven potatoes. Check out this recipe. And yes, it does make a huge difference when you use Canola oil. Slightly pricier but a great addition to my kitchen. I even used it to fry the eggs.   Ah, my lasagna. It was my first time making this classic dish and I really enjoyed it. Sprinkling and layering all that cheese made my heart pound. Thoughts of melted delights and wobbly thighs were having a massive argument in my head but who cares? My mouth had the final say. They came out slightly dry but I think that was down to using the wrong size baking dish and probably following three different recipes. I used only organic beef and loved the cottage cheese mix. Basically I adapted it to what I had available and what I like.    Finally, tonight the aroma of vegetable soup is filling the apartment. Again I meshed a few recipes but really ended up throwing potatoes, carrots, leaks and onions into a big pot with tomato paste and chicken broth. It’s simmering away and I’m about to go wash my hair. It’s thursday, right?


beautiful days are coming

       My mood seems to brighten up once rainy days and chilly nights creep up. Any wonder why? I am a utter romantic when it comes to Christmas. I have beautiful memories of December days in a cosy home filled with music and cooking. My parents went out of their way to ensure we had a magical time even insisting on pretending to be a certain someone with bags of presents until I was 15!       Papa and I are going to do our best to make sure that this little boy gets the same beautiful experiences.


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