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home and design


right now…

    … burning candles and watching Mad Men -finally received after two long weeks and two angry e-mails to a certain website. In between a plate of spaghetti with seafood and a piece of fudge cake, little paper houses were spray painted and hung. It’s the little things, right?

home and design

happy finds

    How would you feel stepping into one of your favorite shops and being welcomed with 50% discount on everything? Yep. Today was a good day. My Shop on Ledra Street, I love you! I mean, 50 euros for that wall clock? Seriously? I also grabbed four gorgeous melamine Rice plates and a jam makers set, which I intend to use within the next few days. I hope. Oh, by the way check out my little dude’s new espradilles. 12 euros, Next Baby.

home and design

oh happy day!

   When the call came down the line that my bathroom and pantry handmade Italian floor tiles were here, I did my little dance and sang oh happy day! Aren’t they gorgeous? Hopefully by the end of next week they’ll be in place.


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