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Little Kickers

let's play

Little Kickers

   I’ve been considering enrolling Georgie in some kind of class. He’s only 18 months so choices are limited but something did pop up in the form of Little Kickers. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. An international brand, it helps instill in little ones self-confidence, co-ordination, control and the sense of camaraderie. The 45-minute class included an abundance of small balls, lots of aimless shoots and a fun game of running back and forth with cones on our heads. No, that wasn’t part of the class. That was Georgie’s version of the class. So how did he do? Well, just as I expected he couldn’t sit still and insisted on doing things his own way and no one seemed to care. I thought he would stick out like a sore thumb but other children were just as active- with their mothers running alongside them- and the coaches were cool about that. What I’m trying to say is it was free time. Kids were encouraged to just be. I like that. I didn’t feel restricted and neither did  my child. It was a Saturday morning spent doing something different and getting active. Thanks for that guys!


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