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Motherhood, relationships

Remember this the next time your child is crying

There are few things I find fascinating and original when it comes to advice on raising little humans. The train analogy I recently came across ticks both those boxes. It can change the way you see your crying child and the way you feel you should deal with it.


I don’t want children

When I was preparing questions for this interview I had a certain image of a certain person in mind. One that dealt with immense societal pressure, who perhaps was fighting a daily war, being pushed down by the injustice of having to explain why she plans on never reproducing. In fact, there is no sob story here, no drama or horrific experiences to be told. This is an interview with a woman who says “people probably wipe their collective brows and think ‘thank goodness, that was close'” when she speaks of her decision to remain childfree.


Learning to love my mummy tummy

Georgie lay down beside me and rubbed my belly. My mummy tummy. That flabby bit of fat I hate with all my might. The one that prevents me from wearing tight tops and the one I look at every night and sigh. Then he said: I love you mummy. And your belly. 


Mamas, why do we judge each other?

This is a personal post. But I didn’t think too long about whether I should or should not write it like others I have written in the past. It was cathartic. At the base is the firm knowledge of how every mother feels about her child. You want the absolute best for them but above all you want them to be healthy. So what happens when they’re not and that’s not the worse part. 


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