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In the kitchen—pancakes

The perfect breakfast. The perfect dinner. We love pancakes no matter what time of day it is. I’ve been whipping up batches and serving them throughout the day over the last couple of weeks. Georgie couldn’t be happier especially when they’re dripping with honey and butter. There are unlimited recipes online. Pinterest is a favourite of mine. Next on my list of pancake favourites to try are Dutch Pancakes. Look them up and give them a go.


in the kitchen—brownies, cookies, rosemary potatoes, lasagna and vegetable soup

      This week has been…well, mad! Finalising details to the house like door handles and lighting has proven too much for me. I have given up on the latter and pleaded with my electrician -who happens to be my sister’s lovely husband- to allow me room (excuse pun!)to breathe and opt for basic light bulbs wherever I cannot make up my mind. At the end of these mad days I pushed myself to spend more time in the kitchen. For some reason homemade food and sweets seemed to bring peace to me. So I baked some brownies…     …and chocolate chip cookies.    Eggs were a major hit this week with rosemary potatoes and oven baked tomatoes. A really great combo if you ask me especially when you discover a great way to prepare oven potatoes. Check out this recipe. And yes, it does make a huge difference when you use Canola oil. Slightly pricier but a great addition to my kitchen. I even used it to fry the eggs.   Ah, my lasagna. It was my first time making this classic dish and I really enjoyed it. Sprinkling and layering all that cheese made my heart pound. Thoughts of melted delights and wobbly thighs were having a massive argument in my head but who cares? My mouth had the final say. They came out slightly dry but I think that was down to using the wrong size baking dish and probably following three different recipes. I used only organic beef and loved the cottage cheese mix. Basically I adapted it to what I had available and what I like.    Finally, tonight the aroma of vegetable soup is filling the apartment. Again I meshed a few recipes but really ended up throwing potatoes, carrots, leaks and onions into a big pot with tomato paste and chicken broth. It’s simmering away and I’m about to go wash my hair. It’s thursday, right?


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