Browsing Tag

small businesses

Motherhood, on our island

Customised stationery and waterproof sticker name tags for the kids

The kids are back at school so I’m assuming, like me, you are faced with a landslide of forms to fill in and various belongings that need name tags. Ever since Georgie started preschool over four years ago I have been using a number of ways to keep track of his lunchbox and water bottle and school bag, all of which have disappointed me. So when I discovered Unicorns and Superheroes who specialise in kiddie stationery and name tag WATERPROOF stickers I knew I could now relax.

on our island

Christmas Giveaway

I am so excited and honoured to be writing this post and supporting so many small businesses who are taking part in what has to be the best local Christmas giveaway ever! I am genuinely jealous of the person who gets to snag the 11 amazing gifts that are up for grabs.


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