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In the kitchen// Miso Paste

Apart from cutting up onions and placing them around the house, which I mentioned in the last Parent Hood post, another way we fought this season’s superbug was with the mighty strength of soups! Honestly, I don’t know why it took me so long to bring soups into my weekly cooking routine. They are easy to make, require very little time and are extremely good for you whether you’re suffering from a sore throat or not. I love traditional Cyprus soups such as avgolemono and  trahana but I find a good old-fashioned vegetable soup is by far the best option when your body is desperate to fight off an infection. Usually, all I do is cut up a bunch of vegetables, there are no rules perhaps only focusing on bringing various colours to the mix and then I add water. Salt, pepper, lemon, oil and anything else is added later according to personal taste.


A new year food resolution

One of my resolutions for 2013 was to stop throwing out food. Buying too much and ultimately forgetting about it is an awful habit and one that most of us are guilty of. Since moving houses, having a semi-organised kitchen and becoming more involved in cooking, I am aware of what I purchase and use. There is still room for improvement though and that’s why I get excited when I stumble upon food-saving tips. Simple and easy to do, some of these tips will save you money and others will add a natural healthy touch to your dishes.


Georgie’s lunchbox

Packing Georgie’s lunch box is, apparently, a thrilling task. I have so much fun with it (most times) and try to include exciting yet healthy options. Apart from the school’s ‘no nut policy’, which means peanut butter is out of the question (boohoo) I think the possibilities are endless. I set time aside in the evening to get as much as I can ready for the morning and always keep in mind that I am feeding a three-year old, so small portions and bite-sized pieces are key. I photographed some of the lunches and snacks I put together during Georgie’s first and second week. Let’s see how long this lasts! (ha!)


In the kitchen- Creamy cauliflower garlic rice

I have finally discovered how to get Georgie to eat cauliflower. All I had to do was mix it up with butter, garlic and of course remember to break out those snow peas he loves so much, as a sider. We’ve tried mashed cauliflower in the past, which I swear is almost just as good as mashed potatoes, but the addition of rice was one he appreciated more.


In the kitchen —Mini vegetable pot pies

Georgie woke up unusually early this morning. ‘Mummy, I want carrot cake!’ he shouted every five minutes until I got up. It looked like our morning was going to be slow albeit beautiful and spring-scented. The light put me in the mood for photos, cooking and baking. I prepared a batch of bread dough, pulled together a nutella braided bread, made oven baked peas, sweet potato and carrot in tomato sauce for dinner and these mini vegetable pot pies for lunch. This was the first time I tried this recipe and although Georgie and I gulped down two each, I would make it less time-consuming next time. Just add instant gravy to boiled vegetables. Any vegetable will do and an extra topping of mashed potatoes was nice. 


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