I always wonder what other kids find interesting and if tractors are every toddler’s idea of happiness. It amazes me how much Georgie is taking in from the way we are interacting comfortably more and more each day. I love watching him focusing on something, concentrating and humming as he builds his tower of baked bean cans. He loves emptying out the fridge alphabet magnet jar and is a bit obsessed with that canon toy thing they give you with every Happy Meal (yes, he has had a Happy Meal. Actually, quite a few. He can even hold a hamburger properly and loves ketchup with it. But this is a rare situation. I will admit.)
I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner. He’s grabbing spraying bottles left right and center so I decided to fill one up with water, MARK IT and let him run wild. Unfortunately the dog was the target. Does that come under animal cruelty? He didn’t seem to mind it.
Last but not least, the farm activity sticker book appropriately marketed for 3 year olds since it has connect the dots and other drawing activities, but also Georgie’s newest book obsession. Along with Tom and Jerry on repeat my only option is to get him out of the house or I’m stuck to the couch looking at dog and cow stickers all day! In the picture below he actually started crying when I grabbed the camera instead of sitting down to begin.