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Motherhood, on our island

Mommy Box – A small business that cares for new mothers

I’ve written about receiving gifts upon the arrival of a new family member. And how many people get it wrong, wasting money and annoying us. You voiced your opinions too, which I turned into a blog post. One thing we all agreed on was that balloons and flowers were out and food, self-care and baby products were in. Those were the things I appreciated after having all three of my babies. The needs are the same as they are more or less throughout the early years of parenting. That’s why it’s so amazing that Mommy Box has launched. A gift and subscription box service for pregnancy and post-partum is now available in Cyprus. 


20 gifts a mama and her new baby really want from you

I’ve had two babies. I’m expecting my third any day now. During those first days and weeks, I received a number of gifts from friends and family. And I have truly appreciated every single person who visited and every single gift that was brought. But after all these years, and many conversations with new and veteran mothers, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is something very wrong about this ‘tradition’. 


Basic nutrients needed during pregnancy and how to get them

Once a month I visit an alternative therapist. He hooks me up with the vitamins and supplements my body needs and gives me tons of tips and advice on diet issues. As expected, we’ve now switched up my regular routine adding prenatal vitamins and making changes to my diet ensuring both me and baby are getting all the nutrients we need. Do you know what these are? After three pregnancies I’m still learning.

Motherhood, on our island

I had a VBAC. You can too!

As part of Birth Forward’s Caesarean Awareness Month campaign I felt the need to write my thoughts on the matter of c-sections. As someone who has achieved a natural birth after an emergency c-section I feel it is my duty to write about my experience.

First of all, dare to mention the word VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) and you’re bound to be met with an array of reactions. Most of these reactions are questions that come in a shocked tone. ‘How?’ ‘Can you even DO that?’ And then there’s the completely uneducated minority that dare to question the safety of such an experience as if you just woke up one morning and decided to give birth to your baby as naturally as possible without any guidance or professional advice.


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