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Lifestyle, Music

Books, podcasts, films, docs and music that saved me in 2020

My last blog post of the year 2020 has been written multiple times and deleted just as many. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to say about the closing of this bizarre year, nothing makes complete and utter sense to me anymore. But lying in bed last night I thought about all the ways I managed the weirdness, insecurity and uncertainty of 2020 and how I somewhat stayed afloat by distracting myself, learning and unlearning, filling my cup with new information, more knowledge and personal stories. Here follows a blog post with some of the books, films, documentaries, podcasts and music that helped me get through 2020 in their own special way.

style and beauty

How to store your jewellery

Jewellery is always a popular gift or a treat purchase for yourself. Some jewelry can be an investment purchase whereas some is just for fun. Regardless, whatever type of jewelry you have, you need to take care of it. This includes storing it properly. With that in mind, here are some tips on how to store your jewelry.


Raising Kids 101: Healthy Kids are Happy Kids

In life, staying healthy requires a life-long commitment. In this journey, diseases are inevitable. The good news is that the majority of them are preventable. Parents are responsible for their kids’ care and health. Parents need to teach their kids healthy habits and practices early on to counter common health issues in children. The best way to do this is by setting a good example as kids imitate and emulate their parents. There could be others, but here are some of the best ways to keep your kids healthy. 

Lifestyle, Motherhood, on our island, Wellness

Going eco-friendly with Eco Fluff

Every night I wipe my face clean with some micellar water and cotton pads. And every night I throw those cotton pads in the bin, I feel a pang of guilt. Same thing happens whenever I have a period and I throw away pad after pad. The guilt is intense because I’m harming the planet one bloody pad at a time not to mention my bank account. It’s really that simple. So when I got an email from Eco Fluff, a female-led local and small company with the sole purpose of introducing and encouraging women towards sustainable personal and baby products, I jumped at the chance to work with them. I’ve been testing and trying out some of their bestsellers and here’s my honest opinion.

image of kids activities
let's play

Activities to do with your children

We love spending time with our children, but sometimes it can be a little hard to know what to do with them. We have some ideas that you can both do to keep you entertained and bond with each other. Please take a look at our list below.


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