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My abortion story

When my second baby boy James turned 6 years old a couple of weeks ago, in a social media post, I wrote about the difficulties I had conceiving and carrying him. I also wrote that he was my fifth pregnancy. He wasn’t. He was my sixth. You see, the first time I ever found myself pregnant was when I was 23 years old, before the pregnancy I lost prior to my first boy, Georgie, and after the two miscarriages I had before James. That first pregnancy ended with an abortion. 

Motherhood, Parenting

Full-time mummy? Here’s how you can still financially contribute

It’s no secret that being a full-time mom is a full-time job. And for many mothers, it can be tough to find the time to contribute financially to the family while also caring for little ones at home. But don’t worry – you don’t have to miss out on the financial contributions you make to your household! There are plenty of ways for stay-at-home moms to bring in some extra cash. In this blog post, we will discuss several different jobs, side hustles, and other opportunities that can help you make money from home. So read on for ideas and inspiration, and start making money today!

family road trip
Motherhood, Travel

5 top tips for taking a road trip with kids

Road trips are a great way to see the country with your family. They provide an opportunity for bonding and create memories that will last a lifetime. However, they can also be challenging, especially if you have young children. Here are 5 top tips for taking a road trip with kids that will help make the experience smoother and more enjoyable for everyone involved!


How to stay happy during pregnancy

You might be wondering how to stay happy during pregnancy. It honestly can feel like a major trial trying to keep on smiling. You’ll most likely feel nauseated, constantly gassy, and your feet are all swollen. Your body is going through so many changes and each day you’re just getting more uncomfortable. You have a literal human(s) growing inside of you, so it’s perfectly reasonable to constantly feel like you’re not happy.

photo of a chocolate bunny

7 tips for planning a great Easter as a single parent

When Easter rolls around, it can be a fun and exciting time for all. However, if you are a single parent, then it can be a little more challenging to make sure your Easter is just as enjoyable. But with a little bit of planning, you can have a great Easter weekend even as a single parent. 


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