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Losing my last living grandparent

Three days ago, my last living grandparent died. My yiayia, my maternal grandmother, my second mother, a gigantic character who loved and cared for me since the day I drew my first breath. I am devastated, confused and scared. But writing has always been a form of catharsis for me, a way to express my emotions and let it all out, so I am sitting at my laptop, listening to the rain outside, wiping my tears, trying to make sense of the fact that along with the loss of my yiayia comes the loss of an entire generation of my family.

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Four tips for buying jewellery

When buying jewellery, it’s definitely important to know what you’re looking for, how much you’re wanting to spend, and making sure that the piece you buy is something that is going to last for a lifetime. With that being said, here are four tips for buying jewellery.

woman holding man's hand

5 ways to reinvest in your relationship with your partner when you have kids

Though divorce rates have begun to decline in recent years, the number still remains high. With all the stresses and demands of day-to-day life, it can be easy to neglect your relationship with your partner. Parents especially find that their relationship with their spouse changes dramatically after having children, in both good ways and bad. 

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Starting the journey to being a calmer parent

When you try to make a difference in your child’s life, you may find yourself getting frustrated. Everybody can feel the pressure, especially right now. But many parents feel that the one way to express their frustration at a situation with their children is to raise their voice. As a parent, if you do this as a way to get your point across, this can result in long-term negative effects, like anxiety or low self-esteem. Conversely, being a calm parent will make a child feel loved even if they don’t behave well. But what can we do, as parents, to make sure that we are calmer, even if our children make us feel anything but?

reusable nappies

Top 5 tips for eco-friendly parenting

If you’re a new parent or you’ve got small children, it might seem challenging to live a sustainable lifestyle. Babies might seem to produce a lot of waste and it can feel like a hassle to try to avoid this. If you make some changes to be more eco-friendly, you’ll be surprised how quickly it becomes a habit. There are plenty of brands that offer toys, clothes, and accessories for babies that are made from sustainable materials. You could also look into second-hand and reusable options. Here are five tips for eco-friendly parenting. 


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