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The misunderstood importance of giving your kids space

Authors like George Orwell wrote entire novels about what life would be like living in a surveillance state that watched your every move. Suffice to say, the picture he painted wasn’t pleasant and serves as a warning to us all. 

Georgie's mummy

So what now?

It’s that time again. The days after and the days before. After the summer holidays, beaches, ice cream and long humid nights. And before school, lunch boxes, falling leaves and cooler evenings. In my head the routine is perfect, I know the tune and a sense of comfort sets in. But in my heart things are different this time. 

Food, Lifestyle, Motherhood

Have a beautiful and safe summer

These uncertain times are killing me. Over the past few months every time I have felt there is a life float I can grab onto and rest my flailing body, I quickly find myself submerged again. So for now I think it’s time to let go, sink and be still. I am taking the whole month of August off to process, to filter, to question, to preserve energy, to learn and unlearn.

photo of woman with curly hair

Boucles Project – A curly hair detox story

My hair is a big part of my life. Wild, curly, complicated and often messy, I find it represents my personality perfectly. Due to the volume and length and obviously the landslide of curls, it takes time to wash, dry and style and can often feel like a pain in the backside. It takes a whole day of preparations and an evening of effective action to reach the point where I am satisfied with the control that various products I use can have on my hair. Which is why I was hesitant to try a new range of curly hair products that was gifted to me. I had already found a rhythm and flow, a system that works so why mess with the system? Well, the reason is simple and straightforward: all the products I use on my hair are full of sulphates and silicone. The ones I have been using these past three weeks do not contain any of these ingredients yet they are designed and created to give some of the best results I have ever noticed. Here’s my curl hair detox story.

photo of baby feet

Why you need Baby Buddy in your life

My first baby would fall asleep only whenever I entered a noisy mall. I will always remember the hours of pushing a pram around the pretty shop windows but never actually entering one because I was only a couple of months post-baby and dressing up and feeling good was about the last thing I had on my mind. I was sporting pregnancy clothes and an exhausted mind that wouldn’t shut up. My thoughts were streaming along the lines of stopping other mums with older kids and asking them what time her kids went to bed and HOW they went to bed and if she watched a whole movie ever again or had coffee with a friend without feeling like she was betraying something sacred. I wanted to ask women with no kids who were strolling in and out of shops if they have kids and if so, then how are they here, just aimlessly wandering around, shopping, smiling. It’s safe to assume that during the first six months of motherhood I was completely and utterly lost. Somewhere between having an emergency c-section and waking up at home with a tiny human being, the most precious thing I have ever been tasked with looking after, and absolutely no clue what to do next felt like the death of my soul.


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