Right before my little dude got horribly sick, we had enjoyed a windy, yet lovely late afternoon at the beach with my sister and the kids. it’s so hot, only late afternoons here make it bearable being outside.
I knew something was brewing when he woke up during the night and then wanted a nap the next morning. As I’ve mentioned before Georgie has stopped napping in the morning so this was odd behavior. By noon he was boiling hot and a quick thermometer incident said it all: 39.8! WTF? I know it’s not that high but it’s still high, you know? Throughout the day he was miserable. Apart from the first moments when the paracetamol would kick in. I am proud to say that Georgie hasn’t needed antibiotics so far- yes, I know I shouldn’t go near them with a bargepole and yes, I just knocked on wood- so giving him Calpol wasn’t something I was comfortable with but I chose that route. What does that say? That I am all for giving my baby all kinds of bullshit? No. I just believe that it kind of eased the pain and kind of worked. And I was ok with that.
It was a rough night but we got through it. My little man is kind of special, you see.
Having a friend close by helped, I think.
let's play, on our island