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Motherhood, on our island

New shop alert: To Sinnefaki

For a long time, James’ room was empty. Aside from some boxes and Georgie’s old little bed. It remained locked until recently when we moved him in and I found myself a new room makeover project. So far I’ve moved his bed 379 times, changed his curtains twice and fallen off the ladder once. And I am absolutely loving it! It’s also given me the opportunity to discover and shop from small local businesses that specialise in the kind of original and unique kiddie stuff you only see online. To Sinnefaki opened its doors just in time!

let's play, Motherhood

When your child says he’s bored, do nothing!

Those dreaded words came out of Georgie’s mouth. And I felt gutted. Thoughts of what I was doing wrong as a parent whizzed through my mind. Have you ever felt this way? That night I went into a research frenzy, trying to find a reason to justify my child’s feelings. And I came across something really interesting. 

let's play

The most awesome water balloons

A couple of months ago I saw a video featuring these awesome water balloons that fill up and tie themselves. It was one of those things that I wish I could get my hands on but knew I probably couldn’t. Then last week while I was walking through Jumbo I saw them and went berserk!

Food, Motherhood

Georgie’s lunchbox

It’s not easy to prepare a healthy and creative lunchbox when it has to be portable, nut-free (school policy) and liked by fussy eaters. A great deal of preparation is required that includes shopping for ingredients and night-before arrangements. I often prepare Georgie’s lunchbox about the same time I make dinner which tends to lighten the morning load. I also like to set aside an afternoon or morning during the week and weekend when I can cook/bake/prepare a dish that can be stored in the fridge for a few days. These dishes include pasta, boiled eggs and roasted chicken.


Breakfast ideas for kids of all ages

Last week I received a message from a frustrated mother regarding her son’s eating habits. She explained that breakfast seemed to be a particularly difficult meal of the day for her as she was running low on options and ideas. I’ve noticed that breakfast can be challenging for many parents. It really needn’t be as long as there’s some planning ahead involved and you’re able to see beyond the basics like cereals and bread. Go ahead and experiment. It’s something you definitely will not regret.


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