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let's play, on our island

fever and friends

      Right before my little dude got horribly sick, we had enjoyed a windy, yet lovely late afternoon at the beach with my sister and the kids. it’s so hot, only late afternoons here make it bearable being outside.       I knew something was brewing when he woke up during the night and then wanted a nap the next morning. As I’ve mentioned before Georgie has stopped napping in the morning so this was odd behavior. By noon he was boiling hot and a quick thermometer incident said it all: 39.8! WTF? I know it’s not that high but it’s still high, you know? Throughout the day he was miserable. Apart from the first moments when the paracetamol would kick in. I am proud to say that Georgie hasn’t needed antibiotics so far- yes, I know I shouldn’t go near them with a bargepole and yes, I just knocked on wood- so giving him Calpol wasn’t something I was comfortable with but I chose that route. What does that say? That I am all for giving my baby all kinds of bullshit? No. I just believe that it kind of eased the pain and kind of worked. And I was ok with that.      It was a rough night but we got through it. My little man is kind of special, you see.     Having a friend close by helped, I think.


Rock Werchter Festival

    This was the biggest reason we decided to take a few days off and fly to Brussels. The Rock Werchter Festival.  Hands down the best musical experience I have had so far. I actually knew I would say this but still, living it, being there, watching and dancing to Jack White playing Seven Nation Army LIVE to over 80,000 people, gave me goosebumps. I hope I always remember this day so vividly as i do now.     On Friday afternoon we grabbed our backpacks and headed to the train station. The Festival is held outside Brussels, in Leuven, in a massive park where a total of three stages were built.    That’s Beth Ditto in the black and white dress in the centre of the stage. She blew me away. A phenomenal voice and character.    But above all, were Pearl Jam. We all know and love their songs but that voice…Eddie Vedder, you make life pretty when you sing. It just makes sense that I actually saw a person worthy of admiration through his words to the crowd, the way he just wanted to hug that crowd and the way he sat down at the end of the show and lit a cigarette. I thought to myself, I like him. [youtube=]            Do watch this video. You won’t regret it.    Even though I wasn’t allowed to take my camera-regulations don’t allow professional equipment on the grounds-, I think the iPhone shots came out OK. To be honest I was relieved I didn’t have to take it. It weighs a ton and I would have been too busy enjoying myself to worry about it. Even Georgie skipped my mind on more occasions than I will let on. More of that and Amsterdam-roadtrip- tomorrow. Right now I am off to stare at my baby while he sleeps and tuck into some pizza. Goodnight. x

on our island

breaking the routine

        When papa called on Friday afternoon to tell me we were spending the weekend by the beach, I swear i did a little dance. Georgie was off to his grandmother’s for the night so that gave me plenty of time to pack for me and a busy 16-month old. I change him on average twice a day and that’s not including his pajamas. So the point was not to not overdo it with the packing…but then again, we’ll be at the beach, I thought to myself, which means he’ll be needing at least two shirts for each day… Next, snacks! And nappies for the water! Anyway, I like to think I didn’t take that much for one night.


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