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fussy kids

Food, Motherhood

Ways to get your fussy kid to eat

Tried and tested, these are six tips that work when Georgie refuses food or insists on eating a mango for dinner.

1. Lie! Because most times, it works. One day Georgie asked me what was for lunch. I told him tuna and mayonnaise in a pitta pocket. For some reason, even though he likes tuna and mayonnaise, that day he kicked up a fuss. Up until the moment I placed the pita pocket in front of him he was sulking …so I lied. I told him I confused tuna with tofu and that what he was about to eat was in fact tofu. Let me just mention that Georgie has absolutely no clue what tofu is (even though he’s been eating tofu hot dogs for a couple of years now) and I had absolutely no idea if what I was saying would even register! But the mere mention of something different with a weird name and I had his attention and he finished that pita pocket.


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