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kids stores

Food, home and design, let's play


…Georgie and I chilled. We had strawberries and weetabix for breakfast……went to the mall for a milkshake and some book browsing… (ended up buying wrapping paper and a DVD)……took a quick trip to the park for some ice cream……and we then ended the day getting dirty, feeding Tano and using our new chalk on the veranda wall. I picked up this natural and above all washable chalk from Tigadoo, one of the only-if not the only- eco-friendly kids’ stores in Nicosia. Such a great variety of wooden toys, clothes and hygiene products. Love that place!Moments like these make me wish I could feckin draw! But I can’t so poor Georgie will have to do with a orange-lemon tree. Hope you have a lovely weekend!xxx


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