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The Parent Hood / 17

Wednesday marked Georgie’s first day back to school. His excitement about moving up a class was adorable and also contagious. That means no tears this year. I’m actually quite proud of myself! Ha! Remember last year?

I have been thinking of changing up The Parent Hood, adding more lifestyle inspiration and hopefully posting every Friday so these cool links can be read over the weekend with a hot cup of tea and some peace and quiet.


The Parent Hood // 16

1. Stunning summer photos by Wanderlust drifted.

2. This is a brilliant post by the 50s Housewife. An age by age list of ways to show your child how to clean up after themselves and contribute as a member of a household.

3. New favourite blog! That has absolutely nothing to do with parenting. 


The Parent Hood //14

1. This is reality. Photos from around the world show mankind’s destruction of this planet.

2. Toddler behaviour tips: A survival guide for the terrible threes and f*ck it fours.

3. A great mummy blog written by a mother of two who is based in London.

4. How I organised my entire life! In this post, there are some fantastic tips for general organising and a clutter-free life.


The Parent Hood// 08

1. This month, I decided to give my regular Pilates classes a break and head to the gym for the first time in years. Change is good especially when you’re working muscles. If I’m putting time and energy into something I like to do it well so I’ve been looking up pre-workout smoothies and foods. If you work out, even if that is 30 minutes on the treadmill like me, you should check this link.

let's play

10 DIY Valentine crafts for kids

I wouldn’t say I am a fan of the hype that comes with Valentine’s Day. At least not anymore. But it is a celebration of love and I am totally cool with that. Also I happen to have a cute little Valentine’s story to share. I remember one particular Valentine’s Day when I was no more than 16. I had had the sweetest boyfriend for a couple of months and the day of love was coming up so I did what is expected. Teddy bears, cards and various red and pink knick knacks with hearts smothered all over were purchased. We broke up two months later but remained friends. The type of friends who invite each other to their weddings! So, after more than ten years, one day I went to his house to invite him to my wedding. After a brisk chat with his mum, he took me to a cupboard where he revealed something so special I can’t help but smile every time I think of it. There, he kept a box of items from his childhood and one little gift I gave him on that Valentine’s Day.


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