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How to plan a trip to London with your kids

Every parent knows how frustrating vacation planning stress can be. You want your kids to have a good time, but you don’t want to exhaust them by dragging them everywhere possible. At the same time, you want to enjoy yourself as well, so you should look for things for you and your partner to do. When planning your next vacation, visiting the UK’s capital London is a great way to enjoy good food, history, and culture. With that in mind, here’s some advice to plan a trip to London with the kids. 

Motherhood, style and beauty

Kiddie clothes shop: Cissy Wears

Next time you’re in London make sure you look up this cool concept store. Cissy Wears boasts a range of ultra modern and high quality clothes and other beautifully designed products. Such as toys and gifts, books, homeware and even clothes for grown ups and other goodies you won’t be able to resist.


Georgie in London

Over the Easter holidays, we took our first family trip abroad. We flew to London for a few days and then made our way up North where my brother lives and spent a lovely albeit freezing day in Liverpool. London on the other hand was in full spring swing and nothing is more gorgeous than London in spring. Traveling for the first time with Georgie was an interesting and unforgettable experience that makes me want more! However I have a feeling Georgie will be disappointed if we don’t make it back to London soon; ask him where he lives and he’ll say ‘London!’


warm hearts of london

I made my way to London again last week to visit my daddy. He is recovering nicely at my uncle’s house in Southeast London. I arrived just after the snow had stopped and all that was left were melting snowmen. Seeing my beautiful friends A and Z who are based in London brought positive energy and a high to my week and made missing my baby bearable so many thanks for that my darlings. Papa and Georgie had a fantastic time while I was away. Many iPhone pictures to follow tomorrow. In a bit of a hurry because wireless not working properly so my laptop’s hanging from a wire while I’m freezing my tooshie off on a cold concrete floor.



My  dad and I took a quick trip to London this week. I was prepared for cold sharp weather but never in a million years did I imagine we would get to experience a little snowfall. Even the locals were surprised. I woke up that first morning, peeked out the window and then sprinted to my dad’s room. Watching the snow fall under the warm yellow road lights was magical. Thank you London for that precious memory.      My parents lived in London-Croydon- for most of their lives. They moved over five houses before deciding that Cyprus would make a better family nest. They haven’t gone back in 27 years. Watching my dad’s face as we boarded the tube and walked out onto Westminster Bridge was priceless. How strange and big and different it all seemed to him. It was fun to watch, I tell you. We walked past landmarks that had him reminiscing, giving me the wonderful opportunity to learn more about what it seems was a fascinating life.     I was the one who was about to experience something new though when we took on the London Eye. To be honest I’ve always thought it might be a bit boring but boy, was I surprised. I got to stretch my camera lens a bit, which of course made me one happy traveller.       Next on the itinerary was Oxford Street and more importantly, the Christmas street decorations which floor me every time.        Five days well spent. Thank you dad! And thank you to my uncle Achilleas who made everything a lot easier. . .


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