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Motherhood, Parenting, relationships

Five ways to navigate your marriage after kids: Discovering the new us

Let’s get cosy and candid about something many of us have experienced, but don’t talk about as often as we should. Yup, you’ve guessed it right; we’re diving deep into the world of marriage post-kids. It’s a time when midnight movie marathons turn into midnight diaper changes and romantic dinners are replaced by kiddie meals. It’s an incredible journey, but it can sometimes feel like you’re steering a ship through stormy waters.

image of a ring in the middle of a book

Amazing proposal ideas every couple would love

While everyone thinks of their wedding day, few consider the proposal itself. That’s despite how important it can be. When done wrong, it can lead to a rejection. Done well, however, it can be just as memorable as the big day itself.


I am woman: Frida Kahlo

While papa was busy working late a few nights ago, I decided to take the opportunity to catch up on my movies. I have a few DVDs unopened but after checking what was on the telly, I knew what I was going to watch. Frida came out in 2002 yet for some reason, that is totally beyond me, I have never seen it. I think it may had had something to do with Salma Hayek’s acting abilities and lack thereof, I say feeling guilty because I was pleasantly surprised that night.


three years ago today…

It was a rainy but warm day. The rain actually helped calm my nerves because as the moment moved closer i realized nothing could prepare me for that dreaded walk down the aisle. I’ve always been one to avoid too much attention and religion has never been ‘my thing’ so nothing but the man standing at the end of that long path could make it worthwhile.My wedding day was nothing like I had envisioned. As much as I tried to relax and enjoy myself, the people, the fuss and the ‘traditions’, i felt, got in my way. To be honest, I could’ve done without the whole hoohah but some things are meant to be done a certain way and throwing a big party for all your friends and family is actually really fun! the next morning, it hit me. I was married… And it didn’t scare me anymore. In fact it made me so damn proud. i was excited! i had spent seven beautiful and intense years with this man and now couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store. three years later, my marriage is like a cocoon. it’s warm, cosy and safe. there’s a special bond behind the arguing, the disagreements and the hard times life throws at us. It’s weird. It’s love. And I like it.


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