Last Saturday, my three best friends and I checked out of our daily routines and into the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Limassol for one night to celebrate my birthday. It was a short but sweet getaway that was jam-packed with so much fun it took me three days to recover.
georgie's mummy
I have finally made some headway with a mini living room makeover I am planning this month. I am very excited about a certain floor lamp and a new rug and finally FINALLY another gallery wall. Most of the frames in this house are mainly on the floor leaning against a wall somewhere and it’s gotten to the point where I can’t stand it anymore. So I’m planning a gallery wall that will include local goodies from small local businesses like Artilicious with their gorgeous box frame creations.
Why are women afraid to give birth naturally? THAT is the question we should be asking ourselves when we become irritated by the fact that in Cyprus c-section births account for 4 times the recommended WHO rate. If you’re reading this and you’re pregnant please DO NOT be afraid. Educate yourself. Know your rights and watch this documentary. Learn from real women and professionals with years of experience about how you can achieve a natural birth and most importantly WHY you should.
90% of the photos I take of the kids are taken with my iPhone. That’s the truth. I rarely take my DSLR out with me because it’s not as easy to use as my phone. Generally speaking I take a lot of photos during the day, mostly of the kids. I almost never share any of them on the blog which is a shame because I love looking back at posts with family photos and I always say I should do if more often. If you follow me on Instagram -which is basically the only other form of social media that I use every single day for the last seven years! – you’ve probably seen the majority of the collection I have put together. From lately all the way until Danny was born and with everything in between here’s a little photo collection of us.
Here are two pieces of advice I have for you if you want to be happy and healthy. Drink water and learn how to breathe. It’s that simple. Well, it should be simple but it’s not. I have to remind myself to do both constantly. But when I do it’s shocking how good I feel. By just drinking more water and learning how to breathe to relieve anxiety, effectively.