
Be Happy Be Healthy – Meet an old friend

I promised myself at the beginning of this series that if something works for me – as in did it bring positivity into my life?- I will write about it and hopefully inspire you to do the same. Sometimes the smallest actions can have the biggest impact on the way we feel. Like drinking water, going to bed early and meeting an old friend you haven’t seen in ages. 

Exchanging messages, picking a spot to meet and finally embracing that old friend I hadn’t seen in over a year were all immediate mood boosters for me this week.

It felt absolutely amazing to see her again and an absolute joy to realise that even after all this time, nothing changed. It’s like we picked up where we left off. In our case a month or so before I had Danny.

Taking time out of our busy schedules to sit and talk, enjoy good food, drink a bottle of red wine and have a genuinely great chinwag with a good friend can beat stress, anxiety, give off good vibes and do you the world of good.

It was actually one of those things I have had on one of my many and variated to-do lists for a long time which sounds ridiculous but it’s true. Meeting an old friend is always something I want to do. It goes along with ‘read War and Peace’ and ‘bake a chocolate cake’. Simple, basic tasks that I forget, dismiss or find myself too busy to complete, stuff that makes me feel good when I get round to doing them. It’s one of those things I file under self-care. And we all know we NEED it. Catching up, reminiscing and creating new memories and ultimately creating an atmosphere of positivity, growth, love and happiness. It can only do a person good.

So if you’ve been thinking about someone you haven’t seen in a while, just pick up the phone and schedule lunch/coffee/drinks, whatever rocks your boat.

Never underestimate the power of something as simple as meeting up with an old friend. Tried and tested, it works wonders. x


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