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Mother’s Day Gadgets, Gear and Gifts for the mum who loves tech

With the big celebration of all things motherhood quickly approaching, you might be trying to think about what it is that mothers truly want. The answer, however, tends to be specific to the mother that you’re talking about. For those who seem to always be looking out for the latest gadgets that can help modernise their lives, here are some that can make for great gifts.


Improve your appearance with three tips

Who doesn’t want to look their best? It helps you feel more confident, and even stand out more in a crowd. You could want to improve your appearance because of that. This is often easier said than done. That doesn’t mean it needs to be complicated, though. Instead, you might just need to focus on a few tips and tricks. Some of these could have more of an impact than others. By putting a little effort into them, there shouldn’t be anything to worry about. You could end up looking better and better.

Lifestyle, Motherhood, Parenting, Wellness

How to balance work and give your kids a magical childhood

Everyone can definitely agree that childhood is such a magical time. It’s full of wonder, laughter, and memories that stay with kids for life. But when you’re balancing a career and a million other responsibilities, giving your little ones that fairytale childhood can feel like a pipe dream. There might be sweet things you really want to do, such as taking them on a spontaneous trip to Disneyland, helping them out in sports, spending more time helping them with homework, doing more movie marathons, or whatever else.


What to look for when buying your first vehicle: A complete checklist

Buying your first vehicle can be an exciting yet overwhelming experience. With so many options available, it’s essential to know what to look for so you make the best choice. Here’s a complete checklist to guide you through the process, ensuring that your first vehicle is a reliable, practical, and enjoyable investment.


5 tips on keeping kids entertained in the countdown to Christmas

The winter break is fast approaching, and as a mum, you need to find ways to keep your children entertained while the countdown to Christmas continues. Your kids will understandably be so excited to have Santa visit and to celebrate Christmas day with you and other loved ones. However, as you already know, over-excited children can be tiresome, so for your sanity, let’s take a look at some of the ways you can entertain the kids to avoid any upset during the festive holidays.


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