
How to refresh your style as a busy mum

Being a parent is the best job in the world. However, parenting can often mean that you spend your time chasing around after the kids without having a single second spare to spend on yourself. There is no doubt that your new role as a parent can become all-consuming. In those first years as a parent, it can be challenging to find any time for yourself, and your own interests may be put on hold during this time. During this period, many mums start feeling a little lost and no longer like themselves. 

When you dedicate all of your time and energy to your kids, it is easy to neglect your own needs, and this can leave you feeling like you have lost a part of yourself in the process. For many mums, changes to their appearance following pregnancy can impact how they think about themselves. Many mums feel like they no longer look like they did before having kids, which can cause them to lose confidence in their appearance and feel less like their authentic selves.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Raising kids is a great privilege, and being a parent is the best role in the world, but it can take its toll on your own sense of identity. While you may have these occasional periods of feeling like you no longer look like yourself, it is possible to feel even better than ever after having kids. Here are some top tips to help your refresh your style when you are also a busy mum:

Practical Does Not Need to Mean Boring

Having kids means that you are constantly on the go. Rushing to take the kids to school, dropping them off at playdates, and trips to the park may mean that your pre-pregnancy outfit choice is not practical for your new role as a parent. But, while you may not be seen wearing heels every day or have time to perfect a full makeup look, you can take this opportunity to develop a brand-new look and really own it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Being open to trying different styles of clothing that you may not have considered previously is a great way to refresh your style. As a busy parent, practicality is essential, and you need clothing that you can move around comfortably in throughout the day. Experimenting with a few different looks will help you to find the perfect balance between feeling comfortable in your clothing without compromising on finding outfits that make you feel great. 

To help you in your quest to find new clothes that match your new role, you may want to enlist the help of some friends. Hitting the shops with friends and trying on lots of different clothes can be fun. But, as well as giving you some well-deserved me-time, your shopping spree with friends will help make it easier for you to step out of your comfort zone and get some honest feedback on your outfit choices.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Choose the Right Accessories

When your life is hectic, accessories are often an afterthought and probably the last thing on your mind when you rush out of the door to take the kids to school each morning. But wearing accessories and taking the time to choose the right ones can make a significant difference to your outfits. The perfect scarf or a colourful necklace can help to bring your entire outfit together while making you appear effortlessly stylish. Choosing beautiful jewellery that is practical enough to wear every day is an excellent way to perfect your look with minimal hassle. Brands such as Apollo Jewellery stock eye-catching jewellery pieces that are practical enough to wear every day. Selecting accessories that you can easily mix and match with your new choice of practical outfits will help you to feel polished and confident that you look great each day with minimal effort.      

Refreshing your style and developing a new look for yourself is a powerful way to boost your confidence. As a busy mum, there may be many times when you feel a little lost, but pulling together a new look and building a wardrobe of clothes that make you feel great can be a big help. Your new style can help you to develop a brand new sense of confidence in yourself and should make a dramatic difference in how you feel. While there is so much more to life than clothing, there is no doubt that changing up your look and refreshing your style can have a positive impact on your life.                    

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