image of couple on a bench

Couples activities that won’t break the bank

There is nothing better than spending some quality time with the person you love. Sadly, when life gets in the way and we have kids – many of us lose that time to spend with our partner. If you are looking to reconnect with the person you love this year and you want to make the most of them in every way – we want to share some ideas with you today. 

We know how hard life can be financially – and with many of us using Payday loans to pay our bills and keep us afloat, it feels impossible to make any amazing memories as a couple. 

But today we want to share some low cost ways to have fun as a couple and relight that romantic spark this year. 


  • An at home spa day 

If you have always wanted to go on a spa retreat with your other half but money is tight – you can make your own spa experience at home. Start off with facial treatments with a glass of champagne, and throughout the day try different treatments such manicures, massages, and hot baths. You can both have fun treating each other to a pamper session and you can also get closer physically by offering a massage to one another. This is a great way to reconnect in an intimate way and enjoy each other’s company. 


  • A scenic walk 

One simple way to spend time as a couple is to go out for the day on a walk. Pack a bag with some water, snacks, and other items you’ll need and set off to a countryside destination for the day. Connect with nature and enjoy the silence as you escape the world and simply enjoy your own company for a few hours. 


  • A picnic in the park 

One great activity to try this year if you don’t have much money is a picnic in your local park. Pick a quiet spot or one with a lovely view and set up a blanket for yourself and your partner. Bring some food and plastic wine glasses and share a bottle of wine, food, and romantic chit chat. This will be such a fun way to spend your afternoon and evening and if you have a dog you can bring them along for the evening out. 


  • An evening watching the stars 

If you are looking for a romantic reason to get out in nature tonight – spend some time setting up a few chairs, a flask of hot chocolate, and a blanket in your garden. When the sun goes down you can go out and enjoy watching the stars with your partner and cuddle up in your chairs. 


  • A home cooked meal… and wine 

The easiest activity to try at home this weekend with your partner is making a home cooked meal and pairing it with wine and a romantically set table. Enjoy an at home date night this weekend and take some time out to speak to your partner without the kids or the tv in the way. 




This is a contributed post. 

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