image of young mum holding matcha smoothies
Food, Wellness

Supercharging your menu: Healthy eating tips for the whole family

Healthy eating offers multiple benefits for adults and children. If you’re on a mission to supercharge your menu and encourage everyone in your household to enjoy a nutritious diet, here are some tips and tricks. 

Increasing fruit and vegetable intake

We all know that we should aim to consume at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day but it’s not always easy. The good news is that there are some hacks you can try to increase consumption and make healthy eating more accessible and fun, particularly for kids who object to eating their greens. 

One simple solution is adding a side to every meal. From chopped fruit and berries on cereal and porridge in the morning to a side salad or a couple of portions of vegetables with pasta, rice, meat or fish, you can enhance the flavour of the dish while also adding vitamins and minerals. Homemade smoothies are a brilliant idea for getting children involved in planning a nutritious menu and it’s also a great idea to try and present fruit and vegetables in an attractive way. From cucumber crocodiles to smiley faces made out of bananas, apples and raisins, there are some fantastic suggestions online. When you make sauces and soups, you can also hide extra portions of vegetables. For pasta, for example, add chopped mushrooms, onions, peppers and courgettes to a simple tomato sauce.

Cooking at home

Cooking at home is often a healthier option than ordering takeaways or buying ready meals. When you cook, you have control over the ingredients you use and the way you prepare and cook every meal. When you’re planning your menu, try to buy high-quality ingredients, such as organic fruit and vegetables and meats from companies like Marbled Meats. If you’re short on time or you’re on a budget, search for quick and easy nutritious recipes online. You don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen or buy hundreds of different ingredients to make a tasty, healthy dish. 


Swapping to whole grain foods

Whole grain foods, such as brown bread, rice and whole grain cereals are better for you than refined versions. They release energy slowly to keep you fuller for longer, they have lower sugar content and they also contain more fibre. It’s a great idea to get into the habit of eating whole grains at home and to encourage your children to get used to brown bread and healthy breakfast cereal options from an early age. 


Moderating sugar, salt and saturated fat intake

One of the best ways to improve your diet as a family is to keep an eye on what you eat. Check food labels, look at the traffic light stickers on popular products and try to moderate your intake of sugar, salt and saturated fats. Take the time to read ingredient lists and be wary of products that are targeted at children and marketed as healthy alternatives to sweets and fizzy drinks. Some shop-bought juices and smoothies, for example, contain as much sugar as cans of pop.


Are you on a mission to boost your family’s health and wellbeing? If so, your diet is an excellent place to start. Take these tips on board to supercharge your menu and enjoy delicious, nutritious foods.  



This is a contributed post. 

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