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let's play

montessori at home

Since commencing a never-ending love affair with books on parenting, which began shortly after Georgie refused to sleep or stop crying for hours on end, I have become a fan of the Montessori method. I find it’s preschool activities truly helpful and it’s overall simple approach to everyday life with a child an astounding revelation. Every single activity I have tried with Georgie has been a huge success. Sure, some he finds less interesting, but they all seem to stimulate something in him and I like that. Good control of movement and coordination comes from just handing him a jug of water and a bowl. Sorting coloured buttons and underwear, matching socks and helping around the house are also activities we love to do together, especially in the morning when he’s chirpy and well-rested. And I can’t help but enjoy myself so much. I mean, I get help with the laundry, people! By my two-year old! Just hoping to raise a good man.

let's play

He is mine. I am his.

Yesterday afternoon, I followed Georgie around with my camera. He drove his tractor around the house, stopping every now and then to observe birds in the trees and dogs playing outside. He rubbed Lily Rose’s belly and then grabbed his watering can before heading to the vegetable garden without so much as looking for me. These are moments I dreamt of when Georgie was just a wee baby, when he would cry for hours on end and need my constant attention. There was a yearning for quiet times with a book, long showers with no interruptions, movie nights and drinks and conversations with friends all through the night. It’s been a while since adult normality has returned to my life  but you know what? It’s SO much sweeter now. With everything I do, there’s a sense of pride, a mother’s sense of pride, i guess. All these independent moments are now filled with thoughts of my baby singing me songs, hugging me in the morning and kissing me so I can get up and make him toast with jam, counting to himself as he plays with his puzzles in his teepee snacking on rye crackers, little conversations we have throughout the day that make me smile and feel blessed that I am his and he is mine.

Motherhood, on our island

sunny days, happy faces

With absolutely nothing on the itinerary, Sunday proved to be the perfect day for the kids to take their bicycles out for a ride and for the adults to finally soak up the rays by our pool. Things can get somewhat hairy with two two-year olds running around, unable to grasp the concept of drowning but there were more than enough hands to help keep them safe. Of course having a massive canvas cover over the entire pool that can easily hold up to 200 kilos is also a huge relief. However, swimming ‘lessons’ have been bumped up on the activity agenda and my little dude is adapting beautifully, kicking his legs and blowing bubbles. I’m hoping he develops a respectful relationship with water because living on an island means bare feet and lots of fun.


what georgie wore

I’ve been toying with the idea of doing a couple of posts a week on Georgie’s outfits. Mind-blowing stuff, I know but there are times when my little dude looks so freaking cute in jeans and t-shirts and converse sneakers, I need to tell the world! Georgie has mostly new clothes bought at an intense rate by yours truly. I can’t help myself. And to think i was worried at 4 months pregnant as to how the hell I was going to dress a boy. But I’m loving it. Wouldn’t change it for the world.

let's play

my boy

                    One week away was more than enough for me to admit that my baby has become a little boy. In exactly one month from now he will be turning two. Last night, papa and I watched a few -ok, alot!- of videos from when Georgie was just a wee baby. Oh how time has passed. I could’ve sworn a year ago was just yesterday because it feels like that. I am not noticing how fast he is growing. It’s slipping through my hands. But you know what? It’s ok. Because my little dude is becoming a person. An opinionated character with never-ending energy. A day spent with him is a day well spent. He screams at the top of his lungs and runs around in circles. Also he loves jumping from one couch to another or chair or table; whichever is furthest. He helps bring the dirty laundry to the washing machine and even grabs a wet wipe when something needs cleaning! He hugs me every so tightly and kisses me gently on the mouth and then says Mama and I die happy. Right there.


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