Lifestyle, Wellness

What you can do to overcome frequent nightmares

When it comes to mental health, one thing that usually doesn’t get much attention is nightmares. Sure, everyone gets nightmares every once in a while, but when it comes to mental health, it’s mostly about the headspace, anxiety management, stress levels, and self-esteem; nightmares just don’t get the attention they deserve. But the thing is, frequent nightmares can be a massive issue. It affects your sleep and, therefore, affects your mental health, and it can get to the point where you’re even more stressed, which will only mean more potential nightmares. It’s basically an endless cycle. But what exactly can you do to overcome this? Well, here’s exactly what you need to know! 

Creating a Soothing Sleeping Enviroment

Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for sleep, it needs to be comfortable, and obviously, a space that you know for a fact that you can just relax in! So, with that said, you’re ging to want to just consider adjusting the lighting, temperature, and noise level to suit your comfort. Soft, calming colours and a tidy space can also help create an environment that’s conducive to relaxing sleep- yes it’s about getting rid of mental and visual clutter.

Have some chamomile before bed, don’t touch screens for a couple of hours, light a lavender candle, and maybe even consider some pillow mist. You might even want to consider some cannabis, too, as there are plenty of cannabis oil benefits when it comes to relaxation.

But overall, you’ll want to treat this space just like you would a spa—a relaxation space. It’s about winding down, and nightmares only happen due to stress or spikes of adrenaline through the night—but relaxation kills both of these. 

Consider Mindfulness

This basically goes back to what was being said right above; it’s about staying present and not stressing about the past or the “what ifs” of the future. So, with that said, it’s best to use practices like mindfulness, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises to significantly reduce stress and promote better sleep. It’s almost always going to bed stress that causes nightmares, so if you’re frequently going to bed stressed out, that’s what’s going to mean frequent nightmares. 

Connect with Your Body

You might have some excess energy spiking while you’re asleep (which causes nightmares), so this could potentially be the issue. So, you’ll just want to exercise daily; even a brisk walk before bed could really help out, too. 

Journal Before Bed

It’s totally natural to have your mind buzzing before bed, but at the same time, it’s bad for sleep. While this might sound childish, this has been known for working, so it’s best to start consider keeping a journal by your bed to write down your thoughts, worries, or to-do lists can be a wonderful way to clear your mind. This practice can also be useful for recording dreams and noticing patterns that could be addressed in waking life.

Know When to Seek Help from a Professional

If your nightmares are persistent and significantly impact your quality of life, it might be time to seek professional help. Usually, if it’s happening for over a week, that’s when it should be taken seriously. There could be an underlying reason, such as poor mental health. But it’s best to talk to your GP about it because they might prescribe you medication, but of course, they may recommend you see a therapist or psychiatrist.



This is a contributed post. 

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