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Reclaiming your mental space

Covid-19. Climate change. Furloughed employees. Change of work routine. Increased costs of living. The list of things that cause stress in 2021 has gone a lot longer compared to the previous years. If you’ve been self-isolated at home, chances are that you find it hard to find a find peace. We’ve got a lot of our minds. And when you’re staying at home, surrounded by kids who need your attention and your coworkers who are planning Zoom meetings all day long, mental space becomes a rarity. Reclaiming your mental space can be tough. But when things feel overwhelmingly stressful, you need to find a way to clear out the cloudy thoughts. 

Removing the obstacles

We all face obstacles in our day-to-day life. The coronavirus is one of the biggest ones at the moment. Unfortunately, it’s not something you can influence. However, not all obstacles are immovable. It’s important to take the time to identify the things that stand in your way. An unhappy relationship, for instance, can be a mental drain, especially when pandemic anxiety already affects our mental health. But a partner who increases your stress levels rather than making you stronger is not a good fit. Life gets in the way, and people grow apart. These things happen as divorce solicitors are the first to testify. Lawyers have recorded a surge in separation rates linked to pandemic stress. Indeed, COVID-19 highlights significant differences in mindset and needs for couples. Sometimes, the best way to think clearly again is to end an unhappy relationship that drags you down.  

Recognising the things that matter in your life

As the pandemic has changed our day-to-day routines, it’s also forced people to question their life choices. Imagine being stuck at home for the best part of a year, struggling with a job you don’t enjoy. The pandemic made us seek fulfilment, which is when we start asking ourselves uncomfortable questions

What are my greatest accomplishments in life? What am I passionate about? What do I want to achieve? When you follow a path that isn’t right for you, it’s like trying to walk with your shoelaces tied to each other. Ignoring your passion and your goals creates frustration and stress, so you can never fully relax. 

Don’t paint everything black

It’s easy to let tiny obstacles appear like unsurmountable mountains that block the view. But they’re not. They’re just one obstacle on your path. There are plenty of things that put a smile on your face. So you must remind yourself of the little things that bring joy. Whether it’s a warm cup of coffee in the morning or a birds’ singing in the garden, seek the little pleasures in your life. 

Meditation is a game-changer

Did we just say meditation? Yes, we did. Nobody is expecting you to meditate for hours every day. But with the help of applications such as Headspace, you can gradually learn to switch off. Allow yourself to relax. You’ll virtually feel a huge load disappear. It doesn’t transform obstacles, but it helps you to change the way you react. 


Feeling stressed out, tired, or simply struggling to find excitement in your day anymore? It’s time to reclaim your mental space. From knowing when it’s time to let go of an unhappy situation to looking for the little joys in life, you can build a safe nest in your mind. It is a place where you can retreat to relax and think clearly. 

This is a contributed post. 

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