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There’s a real psychological reason why some people love spicy foods

We all probably know someone (often ourselves) who loves spicy foods. Everything they eat either comes with hot sauce or is smothered in chilies. 

For people who don’t eat this way, the practice can seem a little strange. Why would you deliberately eat foods that cause pain? 

Interestingly, it’s not just because of how chilies taste. In fact, most are too spicy for the majority of people to detect the flavour accurately anyway. Instead, it’s all to do with endorphins, chemicals that the brain releases. 

Motherhood, Parenting

Full-time mummy? Here’s how you can still financially contribute

It’s no secret that being a full-time mom is a full-time job. And for many mothers, it can be tough to find the time to contribute financially to the family while also caring for little ones at home. But don’t worry – you don’t have to miss out on the financial contributions you make to your household! There are plenty of ways for stay-at-home moms to bring in some extra cash. In this blog post, we will discuss several different jobs, side hustles, and other opportunities that can help you make money from home. So read on for ideas and inspiration, and start making money today!

let's play, Parenting, Travel

Stunning hacks to keep your kids entertained this summer

There are some excellent factors that you need to work on when it comes to improving your kids’ fun when it comes to keeping them occupied over the summer. You have to try to come up with some of the best options that you can use to keep your children occupied this summer. It is vital to make sure you focus on the right ways of being able to achieve this, and there are so many ideas that you can use that play a part in this. 


5 tips for staying safe when you travel

There is, of course, a lot of value in leaving our homes and setting on an adventure. It allows us to experience new things, meet new people, and, overall, dream big. It can be life-affirming to pack a bag and go on an adventure — and for that reason, it’s something that we should all think about doing from time to time.

couple hand in hand

Dating as a single parent – Is it even realistic?

Any single parent knows that looking after a child on your own, even with help at the margins, can be one of the toughest challenges of your entire life. It will change you, and it will make you stronger. Without dismissing that difficulty, it’s also important to say that this process is one of the most important and worthwhile efforts you could ever make in life. It’s hard to think of anything else that would take precedence over raising and loving your child, and the effort of pursuing such a goal can give your life meaning and affect every single positive day your child will have during the course of their lifetime.


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