
5 tips for staying safe when you travel

There is, of course, a lot of value in leaving our homes and setting on an adventure. It allows us to experience new things, meet new people, and, overall, dream big. It can be life-affirming to pack a bag and go on an adventure — and for that reason, it’s something that we should all think about doing from time to time.

However, there’s no avoiding the fact that it can be a little risky. After all, when we’re far from home, we have to accept that there are things that we don’t know, things that are beyond our control. So it’s important to take some steps towards ensuring that we’re kept safe. 

In this blog, we’ll run through just a handful of tips that’ll maximise your safety while on the road. 

Do Your Research

There’s something to be said for just packing a bag and flinging yourself off to a new and strange land. But it’s usually best to do some research. Spending a little bit of time learning what the dangers of a city are can go a long way. If you were visiting Spain, for example, it’d be best to look up the common scams that occur in the biggest cities. It might just be the difference between having a perfect and one that’s compromised by bad moments.

Local Connections

People who live somewhere know how to stay safe there. Think about your own hometown. You probably have a pretty good understanding of what dangers are present in that city. So why not look at utilising local knowledge of the place that you’re visiting? You don’t necessarily need to know that person directly. Does a friend have a connection at your chosen destination that can give you advice? If not, you can always try the internet — there’ll be people willing to give you the inside scoop.

Lucky Charms

There are a million things that can help us feel safe. There are the obvious ones, such as knowing which neighbourhoods to avoid. But then there are the more subtle things, such as lucky charms. Do you have something that always seems to bring you luck? Pack it in your bag. If you don’t currently have a lucky charm, look at square St Christopher pendants. Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travellers, symbolising a safe and prosperous journey. 

On the Beaten Path

Travelling off the beaten path can be exciting, but it’s also more dangerous. If you’re visiting a country that you don’t know much about, then it’s best to stay on the beaten path. You’ll still have a great time; more people does not mean it’s bad. If anything, it’s the opposite — there must be a reason so many people are checking out the same things. 

Common Sense 

Finally, remember to show some common sense. Nearly all problems in life can be avoided just by using your common sense. If something seems dangerous or off, then avoid it! Put your energy into positive elements, and you’ll more than likely be fine. 


This is a contributed post. 

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