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fun time

let's play

water painting

Yay for painting, right? It keeps kids occupied for a ridiculous amount of time and there is unlimited creativity involved. It is something that Georgie and I do often. We love painting stones, sticks, cardboard boxes, wooden toys and anything else I can get my hands on. But then there are times when creating a beautiful mess is not what I have in mind and the last thing I need is a toddler running around with black paint on his hands. Enter Water Painting. It deserves to come in capitals because it is such an awesome no-brainer. All you need is a bowl of water, paint brushes and somewhere to set those little ones free. The only problem I had with this activity was trying to explain why the painting was disappearing. But trust me, if there’s water in the mix, you won’t get any complaints.

let's play


The obsession Georgie has with dinosaurs is wearing off. At least as far as favourite movie characters are concerned. Georgie is, of course, very young to understand what Monsters Inc is all about but I couldn’t resist watching it with him one afternoon. He was hooked within minutes. Since then Mike and Sulley have been topics of many discussions and finally painting and creating one afternoon. All we needed was a box, some paper cups leftover from his birthday party, glue and those sticky eyes, which we use often. Sometimes I’ll just stick a pair on a piece of paper and Georgie creates around them, making faces and imaginary creatures. He is at that drawing phase right now and you better believe I love it!


Green Monday

Before we tucked into a healthy lunch including a giant octopus, yummy prawns and various dips and breads, Green Monday and the Carnival was a great excuse to paint our faces and play games. It was the kind of day ideal for flying a kite and finally taking pleasure in all the hard work that has gone into making this place a home. It’s been just over a week since we moved in and although living out of boxes and a fussy toddler who wants to play around an empty swimming pool can make for one big headache, having an awesome family right next door makes it a lot easier.

let's play


       I was washing the dishes when I heard Georgie saying ‘ello’ back to the TV and then repeating the word ‘apple’. My little dude is growing. Fast. He mumbles all sorts and is building a vocabulary all his own. I really cannot wrap my head around the fact that soon we will be having conversations and he’ll be blowing my mind with the kind of childish fantasy I crave in life. He says the word ‘ne’ – Greek for yes- in a number of voices and tones depending on the question. He can name both grandmothers. He calls his auntie Soula ‘Sasa’ and screams ‘BAAAA’ every time a bus goes by.


most evenings…

[vimeo clip_id= w=500&h=281]      We dance around to music and even though papa’s phone really isn’t the best camera, we managed to capture Georgie in all his glory.

Notes: I’ve just gotten into Vimeo, an awesome platform for making little videos, so bare with me. I hope to get better within the next ten years. 


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