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kid’s fashion


what Georgie wore

This post was supposed to be about my love for thrift shops and second-hand goods but today was the type of day that leaves me with enough energy to make homemade bolognese and watch a movie. Why? Well, our morning started off with Georgie spilling ground cinnamon EVERYWHERE. I was making scrambled eggs at the time, which he refused to eat. I then had to rush out and hunt for a table for our new home because a certain well-known furniture store could not give us a delivery date for the table we wanted and gave a deposit on SIX MONTHS ago! Don’t even get me started on manners and customer service. Last but not least, Georgie did not nap today. Mums will know what this means. After an hour of lying in bed with him, he promptly got up, shook his head as if to say ‘no’ and then began jumping up and down.


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