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photo of kids shop window exterior in Nicosia
Cyprus, Motherhood

Little Heroes Boutique: More than just a shopping experience

Ever since I discovered a world of beautifully curated local lifestyle shops for kids, now I rarely, if ever, shop on the high street or at the mall. Especially when it comes to birthdays and Christmases. I absolutely love the fact that now I can buy my kids clothes, toys and books without feeling bad about the lack of sustainability and quality. I can support local businesses, ones that are run by mamas and families and I am able to offer my boys some of the best choices available to parents. All this fits in perfectly with my recent kiddie shop discovery, the Little Heroes Boutique in Nicosia.

Motherhood, on our island

CocoBee for preloved kiddie clothes and shoes

Textile waste is a big problem worldwide. The numbers are astonishing, as you would imagine, making it something we all need to start tackling right now starting with the brand new cute t-shirts, adorable dresses, neon-coloured leggings and trendy shoes we love buying for our offspring. Children grow like weeds, twice a year they require a massive wardrobe overhaul that’s never cheap so it makes sense that many items can and should come from places like CoCoBee


My favourite cooking and baking products

I have had to keep this a secret for so long I am practically bursting to tell you all about the absolutely fantastic news that one of my favourite health food stores now stocks The Groovy Food Company !!! Not exactly sure why I am so excited? Read on to find out especially if you like cooking and baking and you would also like to make your life easier but healthier too. 

Cyprus, on our island

Yiassu – The Cypriot Amazon

Since I became a mother of three, I have learnt to appreciate online shopping more. Not the food shopping kind though. That’s s my cardio especially with the minimum of two kids in tow. It’s a great workout. I’m talking about all those little things that we need, things like household and hygiene stuff, that would require alot of effort and time planning, hopping from shop to shop with the kids. The type of stuff you might buy from Amazon or eBay. But since this is a pro-local and pro-small business blog I am happy to present Yiassu, a local business with an online platform that stocks all those little things you need. 

Motherhood, on our island

A magical birthday party created by Fun Teepee

When Fun Teepee got in touch with me about working together on a blog post I jumped at the chance. I love teepee tents, the whole concept has a magical vibe to it that’s unbeatable. We have always had one in the house and the kids love it. Georgie got his first one when he was two and a half, he still likes lounging around in it. Recently we decided to upgrade to this beautiful one that the younger kids really enjoy too. So I knew that bringing five teepees into our living room for a pyjama/sleepover party would be a brilliant idea. I was right. Georgie’s 8th birthday party was a huge success. Both magical and functional, every one including the adults thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


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