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the Parent Hood


The Parent Hood // 16

1. Stunning summer photos by Wanderlust drifted.

2. This is a brilliant post by the 50s Housewife. An age by age list of ways to show your child how to clean up after themselves and contribute as a member of a household.

3. New favourite blog! That has absolutely nothing to do with parenting. 


The Parent Hood // 15

1. A hilarious list on parenting called The Crazy Things You Do as a Parent. 

2. This is a long piece but worth reading especially if you have a child/children involved in sports. For the rest, here are simply six words you should say today!

3. The staff at Buzzfeed decided to try on Victoria’s Secret Bathing Suits. Take a look at these ‘real’ women and be inspired.


The Parent Hood //14

1. This is reality. Photos from around the world show mankind’s destruction of this planet.

2. Toddler behaviour tips: A survival guide for the terrible threes and f*ck it fours.

3. A great mummy blog written by a mother of two who is based in London.

4. How I organised my entire life! In this post, there are some fantastic tips for general organising and a clutter-free life.


The Parent Hood // 13

1. This is adorable. If you are a Star Wars fan, you’ll appreciate this 7-year old’s joy.

2. Can you influence a baby’s gender? 

3. Dreaming of summer and all the fun we’ll have especially with these 33 inexpensive activities for kids. 

4. Wardrobe staples by Emily of the blog, Cupcakes and Cashmere. Every time I read one of these posts I want to throw away everything in my wardrobe and set myself free!!!


The Parent Hood// 12

1. Schools in Finland will test teaching by topics instead of individual subjects. This is interesting.

2. These are the four supplements EVERY woman should be taking. Makes sense.

3. Any Game of Thrones fans reading this? Apparently, Season 5 will premiere on April 12. Excited? I am! Here’s an interesting article on finding fact within the fantasy of George RR Martin’s books. DO NOT read unless you are up-to-date. There are major spoilers as part of this article.


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