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the Parent Hood


The Parent Hood// 11

1. I love Frances McDormand. After watching this short clip of her speaking about aging, I admire her even more.

2. Inspiration for the modern mama. 

3. I WILL make this macrame curtain soon. The step-by-step instructions are fantastic and make it look so easy.

4. Ready packaged fruit, veg and pre-washed bags of salad may be a time-saver but are they as healthy as we think? 

Food, Motherhood

The Parent Hood //10

Last night, I finally decided to give into Mr Christian Grey and see what all the hype is about. Instead of laughing my head off, which was what I was expecting, I was actually deeply bothered. For those not aware of the name, I am referring to the world’s newest fascination and the male lead in 50 Shades of Grey. I was not bothered by Mr Grey’s idea of a good time – to each his own-but by the fact that apparently over 100 million women bought and read this book and actually liked it thus creating a monster and a boring one at that! Girls, this is not good stuff. Please spend your money on books that are worth your time. The writing is extremely bad and furthermore if Sam Taylor-Johnson couldn’t save the movie version, then you know its a hopeless case. When I heard that the irresistible Charlie Hunnam had pulled out of his role as Christian Grey, I was disappointed and I get the impression I’m not the only one. Have you seen him? Anyway, I can imagine Hunnam waking up, sweaty and shaky, remembering the moment he almost took part in what is sure to be the worst story ever told. Rolling Stone said it best: The true audiences for 50 Shades of Grey are gluttons for punishment-by boredom!


The Parent Hood// 09

1. I couldn’t be more thrilled with some of the current fashion trends. Trainers and sneakers with skirts and dresses? Yes please! Anything to avoid those toe-killing heels, day or night! If you’re with me and need more inspiration to add to your comfy wardrobe and style, check out this link by The Chronicles of Her and the Five pairs of flats she lives in. 


The Parent Hood// 08

1. This month, I decided to give my regular Pilates classes a break and head to the gym for the first time in years. Change is good especially when you’re working muscles. If I’m putting time and energy into something I like to do it well so I’ve been looking up pre-workout smoothies and foods. If you work out, even if that is 30 minutes on the treadmill like me, you should check this link.


The Parent Hood// 07

It’s been a while since I posted some links. The Parent Hood, I have noticed, is popular here on the blog so I’m hoping to keep it strong this year. Here goes:

One of my favourite bloggers, Joanna Goddard, posted an awesome article about how to get kids to eat vegetables. Here, you’ll find some cool and simple tips to ensure no veggies are left on their plate.


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